[Bring the Strange Water Globe to Je'neu Sancrea at Zoram'gar Outpost, Ashenvale.]奇怪的水球 |
奇怪的水球 |
[The defeated water elemental has left behind a strange water globe. You surmise that the object somehow fed the beast energy. Inside the globe, a putrid-looking form of water sloshes about. The globe itself seems impervious to any sort of physical force.If anyone can make any sense of this item, it would be Je'neu Sancrea of the Earthen Ring. He is located at the Horde's Zoram'gar Outpost in Ashenvale.]
你可以从下列奖励中选择一样:逃犯弯刀 | 女巫之指 |
[Ah, hello again <玩家>. I was just reading the waves the sea, much like I always do. What brings you to the outpost?]任务完成
[This... this is quite the find, <玩家>.You acquired this from Baron Aquanis in Blackfathom, you say? Baron Aquanis has long been thought of as a corrupted elemental power; this globe will prove what exactly had corrupted him. While it would be no surprise if it turned out to be the Twilight's Hammer, our studies will also show how they did it as well.
You did well in bringing this to me. Please - take this, along with the Earthen Ring's warmest regards.]
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